Quake 2 File House

The place to look for Quake 2 files


Gone Mad v1.1
?A mod which lets the monsters act more like real people in their attempt to kill you. This is a really cool mod. Monsters are now smarter, with the ability to learn the map, and hunt you down, hear you pick up items, can use user-created route files, Stroggs call for help, all the different monsters have new fighting abilities such as strafing, jumping across ledges, and more, rocket-shooters, shoot toward the ground, some swim in water, a scanner, and support for VWep when using COOP...Get the collection of route files for the first 9 id maps.
Viking Mod v.97b?Viking is like ServerConfigMod, whose features include Eraser v.92 support, three spectator modes, item banning, player start items, respawn protection, adjustable tech effect, swinging hook, ServObits 1.4, QW Fraglogging, flood protection, model restriction, three detail levels, CTF even teams, save server configurations, items effected by explosions, new HUD, VWep support, fun names, off-hand grapple, CTF support, configurable grapple flight and pull speed, fast weapon switching, IP control, make clients operators or voice, different MOTDs for ops/voice/normal clients, use any CTF map, weapon banning, and configurable start weapons, all using the menu system...or look here for the server patch...Also, the CTF version of this mod has been released (?)...If the server has WVep, you need this.
Tag-Yer-It?Formerly referred to as Project One, TagYerIt is a server-side mod that harkens back to the childhood game of Tag, with a Quake twist. TagYerIt pits one person ("It") against everybody else (Non-Its, or "Nits"). "It" inflicts more damage, takes less damage, and is made easily visible with a yellow glow. Only It can get frags, or the person who kills It. When an It is killed, their killer becomes It. In well-attended games, It can change rapidly, as allies suddenly turn into enemies. Various server options are available to adjust the gameplay.
Freeze Tag
?Kill someone to freeze them. Freeze all members on an enemy team and a point is awarded. Unfreeze your team members by standing next to them for 3 seconds. Pull enemy bodies by walking over them and they will drag behind you indicated by lightning icon at bottom right of screen. Your team icon will always be on the left. The numbers on the left of the team icons indicate total team points. The numbers on the right indicate number of people left alive. "id" will turn on identification display. "team blue" or "team red" will change teams. You cannot change teams or kill yourself when frozen. You will be unfrozen after 3 minutes have passed or a friend has freed you.
Q2 Chasecam?For the original Q2 chasecam coded at QDevels, we have a download
Linked Q2?The gameplay is just like regular deathmatch except that you can choose to link with another person. First you must offer a player standing near you a link. You can do this with the command "linkup", then that person can accept the link with the same command. Once you are linked with someone you share health with that person. You are also forced to stay near them because you are connected by a rope. This will make players work together. And if the person you are linked to is retarded just disconnect from him with the command "unlink". This mod has not been completely tested, but I think I got all the bugs out...NOTE: Extract into Q2 directory
Quasar v.5?This style let's everyone begin at the same time. You start out with 10(server configurable) lives. Everytime you get hit you lose a life. If you hit another person you gain a life. The last person standing wins and if you lose them all you are then transported back into the spectator area where you can join a game of SuperCharge or Battlezone. If after 20 mins(server configurable) there is more then 2 people standing everyone's lives will drop to 1 and then the last person standing wins. SuperCharge: This style puts you into an arena where you have 2 bases one for each team and 2 energizers one for each team. When you start you have 3(server configurable) lives if you lose all 3 you can't fire anymore and need to renergize. Then you run to your energizer and push it you will then get back your 3 lives and you can then shoot again. Now everytime you shoot a player you get 5 points for you and 1 for your team. Everytime you shoot the other teams base you get 25 for you and 5 for your team. It costs 30 points to renergize so it's possible to end up with a negative score at the end. The Match should either last 20 minutes or 1 hour depending on the server. The bases are near walls for each color base and are in the air. Everytime you shoot one you can't shoot it for 10 seconds. If you kill 5 people without getting killed yourself you get a mode called SuperCharge where you can fire rapidly until you get killed. BattleZone: This Style puts you into a gigantic arena sort of like a big CTF map. There are 2 teams (Red and Blue). You begin off with 5 lives. Weapons included are, Laser gun, Laser Cannon, Laser Grenade, Laser Tripmine HyperBlaster, and Laser Reflection Gun. If you run out of lives you denergize and need to refill your lifes during which you cannot shoot. The object is to infiltrate the entrance and shoot the base hanging in air. There will be Lives spread throughout the level and each one you pick up gives you another life. Max lives is 10. The base can only be shot every 4 seconds and if during which you shoot it you will lose a life. You begin with only the laser gun until you get some cells and weapons. Each weapons uses a different amount of cells and does different damage.
Quake 2
?This patch is a server mod to turn clients into semi-intelligent cameras for watching/recording deathmatch games. The client is controlled by the server and attempt to watch whatever action it thinks is the best at the current time. The patch has also been merged with the most recent version of Eraser Bot if people want to see it in action at home...Here is a text file that will tell you how to use it...Also, DEMOS: DEMO1 - DEMO2
Lithium v1.0
468kbLithium II is a very configurable server-side deathmatch modification for Quake II. It adds many features and options to the game, while not requiring clients to download anything special. Features include 5 runes, improved HUD with frags, frag/hr, players, your place, and current rune, optional HUD with ammo count, damage, speed, and radius adjustable for all weapons, obituaries with enemy highlited in green, grappling hook, configurable map queue with randomize option, MOTD, observer fly-through mode, chasecam, player ID (to see who your crosshair is pointing at), safety time after player spawns, no camp option, option to kick chat and kill flooders, IP banning, min and max ping requirements, faster respawning with more players, adjust start/max health, ammos, and armor, setup items clients start with, VWep support, GSLog support, menu system to change personal settings, and for admins to change server settings, and much, much more.
GSLog Mod v1.4a?GSLog Mod and CTF Log Mod are Quake II server side mods for use with GibStats or other log parsers, which support Standard Logs. The mods do not modify the game in any way, but permitting the user to output a Standard Log of the game played. This Standard Log may be read into GibStats or any other log parser supporting this standard. The log contains way more information than any other type of log produced by Quake II. Therefor much more information can be processed and displayed by the log parser...v.13 source
CTFLog Mod v1.0?GSLog Mod and CTF Log Mod are Quake II server side mods for use with GibStats or other log parsers, which support Standard Logs. The mods do not modify the game in any way, but permitting the user to output a Standard Log of the game played. This Standard Log may be read into GibStats or any other log parser supporting this standard. The log contains way more information than any other type of log produced by Quake II. Therefor much more information can be processed and displayed by the log parser.
Q2Comp Mod v.12396kbThe goal of Q2Comp is to have a competition mod that does not add new features to Quake 2, but adds new functionality to Quake 2 to allow fair team matches and Free-For-Alls. The Quake 2 Competition Mod, or Q2Comp for short, follows in the tradition of the ClanRing and QWRing mods for Quake
Unnamed Mod?A server-side mod utility with support for map rotation in config, min and max player for each map, MOTD form external file, death messages controlled in config, ban names and addresses, competition mode, VWep support, custom HUD layout, and team and player stats avaliable.
v2.2 FINAL
209kbA mod which implements a ton of cool things to make your DM experience much more enjoyable, and also makes the server have an easy job of configuring the whole thing to make their server the way they want it to. Features include: weapon banning, QW fraglogging, GibStats support, MOTD, start weapons, weapons can't be dropped in spectator mode, spectators can id players, casecam selectable from MOTD menu, ServObits support, new scoreboard, and a much better HUD....Also if you want the CTF Final.
Lithium v.99468kbLithium II is a very configurable server-side deathmatch modification for Quake II. It adds many features and options to the game, while not requiring clients to download anything special. Features include 5 runes, improved HUD with frags, frag/hr, players, your place, and current rune, optional HUD with ammo count, damage, speed, and radius adjustable for all weapons, obituaries with enemy highlited in green, grappling hook, configurable map queue with randomize option, MOTD, observer fly-through mode, chasecam, player ID (to see who your crosshair is pointing at), safety time after player spawns, no camp option, option to kick chat and kill flooders, IP banning, min and max ping requirements, faster respawning with more players, adjust start/max health, ammos, and armor, setup items clients start with, VWep support, GSLog support, menu system to change personal settings, and for admins to change server settings, and much, much more.
Assassins?Assassins is a Quake2 death match mod where you are an assassin. Each player has one specific target at any given time. Players are given a target that they must then hunt down and exterminate. No one else is to be killed, that is except, whoever may be hunting you. Killing one's target results in 5 points, killing ones hunter results in 2 points, while killing the wrong target or an "innocent bystander" results in -1 points. Upon termination of your target you will be given your next assignment. When assigned a target it will briefly display on the screen who your target is. To double check who you're hunting later use the command "target". While within the game, whenever you aim at someone a box will appear in the lower right corner, a big X will signify that this is not your target. If it is your target the box will have a bullseye in it with the word KILL. The person hunting you will be displayed as a non-target by default, you'll have to figure out who's hunting you by who shoots at you. In order to make our hunt algorithms work properly, in a game with more than 2 players someone will always be an 'innocent bystander'. When you die you become the innocent bystander and the previous bystander draws his gun. While a bystander you cannot use weapons or pick up items, but you CAN die and be seen. You will be no ones target while you are helpless. NOTE: We've included a grapple, to use it bind a key to 'use grapple'. Right now this is pretty much a straight rip of Zoids grapple from CTF (sped up slightly).
Q2Ring v.4?A mod which has observer mode, ability to kick users, and some other stuff. Like ServerConfigMod but not as good. This mod is just starting though.
Hologram Mod
?A mod where you can create a Hologram of yourself to fool the enemy. New to this version are server varibles for Hologram movement, and number of Holograms allowed. Holograms can me move remotely by you, or they can mimic you which means they do everything you do except stay in one place...All the commands and such can be found here.
Holy Wars v2.0b2?Holy Wars is a deathmatch mod suggested for 3 or more players. It's extrememly simple in concept and operation, but incredibly fun. Holy Wars is strongly oriented towards mayhem and carnage, rather than subtle strategy and tactics. At the start of a level, all players are Sinners. They won't score frags for fragging each other. Soon, a luminous Halo appears. Pick it up to become a Saint and receive some armour and health. The Saint scores frags. Being the Saint is a Good Thing. If you kill the Saint, the Halo falls on the ground. Pick it up! An abandoned Halo will soon disappear, to respawn in its starting position later. Sinners should ideally avoid killing each other and concentrate on the Saint, their common enemy. Of course, hunting accidents always happen. But watch out! If you kill other Sinners indiscriminately, you'll become an Heretic. Heretics cannot pick up items, nor use cells. Killing an Heretic grants a frag bonus to both Saints and Sinners - so Heretics have no friends. Becoming an Heretic is a Bad Thing. Everybody tries to kill the Saint and steal the Halo. The game is always a furious "The Saint vs. The Rest of the World". The result is total carnage...Taken from the Holy Wars Page...The download cannot be updgraded from any previous versions and contains both the client and server files. Extract to your Quake2 directory and keep subdirectories.
?The aim of Mana Quake is to get the mana, which appears at the begining of the map and looks like powercells, to an end of the map. You can carry a maximum of 10 mana and you loose it when you are hurt. The amount of mana you are currently carrying is displayed below the frag count on the HUD.
Arena 2
12.9mbA really cool mod which puts you in an arena type level, where the competition is 1v1, 2v2, or 4v4. You are given all the weapons except the BFG (it is a variable by the server), and it is all hardcore action till one team beats the other. The winner stays and the next player comes. Currently, there are 8 maps and 46 arenas...Servers need these files...and VWep is needed.
ServObit?ServObit is a mod which changes the death messages, according to gender of killer and victim, state of victim's body, weapon used, what environment, and if Quad damage was used...There are also some files you should have: (README)(Obituary Config)(Model list w/ genders)
PureDM v4?PureDM is a really cool mods that allows you to have the inventory bar on the side showing all the ammo for all the weapons. Also, has a cool menu that uses the same program as RocketArena II. And, now supports VWep, and other mods...Go here for more info
Tangetial 1.6230kbA mod who's author is trying to implement everything anyone would want in a Quake 2 mod. Strange, but true.
166kbA grappling hook for single player Quake 2. This hook allows you to climb and descend on the hook's rope, while also allowing uninterupted weapons use. It is also possible to swing while on the hook, so you're not a sitting duck.
Powerball v1.33mbA teambased MOD, where you start in Teams and have to capture a 'Powerball' to make frags. There is also a Quake1 Version of this MOD and this is the beta3 Version for Quake2...Click here(148kb) for the update to v1.3.
150kbThis MOD enhances the Quake2 Deathmath with some little features like chasecam, observer mode, motd, ...!
Jailbreak v1.7?Alright...Remember the game FREEDOM? Probably not, but here is a mod where if you get killed, you get put in the enemy 'jail'. There is a button on the jail to release all the players in jail. If everyone on a team gets put in jail, the other team gets a massive frag, of eeryone in jail, like execution. Kind of like CTF but with people...To use the v1.7, you will need to have this(v1.5) previously installed...If you are running a server, get the new version here...Linux, Get your Linux...want it, here is is.
GangWars?A test for the Conquest modification that will test some of the features they plan to use...
Orange Mod
?A CTF mod with these features: message of the day, capture the flag, death messages, grappling hook, configurable messages, map ordering, configuration files, controllable turrets, player skins and icons, client downloads support, player identification, strogg artifacts, gibstats logging. Pretty cool!, but you will need Zoid's CTF
3.6mbA new PAK that is supposed to give you everything you could want in a new PAK file
?A pretty cool mod that tells the highscores of each level, has a chasecam, MOTD, and a ton of cool other stuff. I recommend this mod greatly!...Here is the CTF version. (?)
VWep1.6mbA really cool mod where you can see the weapons other people are using...Yay!..also, there is a CTF version and a deathmatch version.
?A mod where you pick up keys and then you glow. Different keys give you different powers
BagTag?I don't have a clue about this one.
Cyberathlete Mod?I have no idea what you are getting yourself into with this mod. E-mail me if you know.
Fox &
138kbA mod where one person is the fox and everyone else is a hound. If the fox stays alive for the whole time, he wins, but if a hound catches him, his is the fox...Or get the source code 238kb
Expert DM
699kbThe Quake 2 version of Expert DM, where some parts of the game are changed a lot...
Match Mod
248kbA mod where your score is counted by the damage you inflict instead of just by frags.
Menu Mod v1.0244kbRemember that menu in Rocket Arena that is so cool, well programmers can take that mod and use it for their own mods as well!
Jester's MOD?A pretty cool mod by Jester with some more features to come
Deathbed169kbA mod which makes a player shoot a bird, wave, or salute when he dies
Gib Q2141kbTons of gibs and new death messages
Q2 Rune v1.2145kbA mod which brings back the runes from CTF for Deathmatch plus more runes.
Monster IQ
130kbA mod which makes the monsters smarter and they duck more from your weapons
150kbA mod which gives weak Stroggs more power. They also move around more which causes them to get stuck in walls more.
Bounty Hunter141kbA mod which is kind of hard to explain but involves money and buying weapons and whatnot. For more info, click here.
Q2DMSG1?A mod which changes the death messages to ones like the old Quake ones
Q2 Coop131kbA mod which lets you play Quake 2 cooperatively. See here for more info.

If you know of any mods that I have not included on this page, please e-mail it to me if it is 100kb or less. If it is above 100kb, please tell me the location where I can get it. Please, in the e-mail, tell me the name of the file, the exact size, and any other information I should know about it.


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Quake, Quake 2 and the "Q" logo copyright 1996-98 Id Software, Inc. Quake is a registered trademark of Id Software, Inc. All rights reserved. All original content is copyright 1998 Mr. Baldy and may not be used in whole or part without express written consent. Also, all other content such as pictures are the property of their owners.