Quake 2 File House

The place to look for Quake 2 files

Capture the Flag - CTF

Loki Minion's
CTF v3.03
17.4mbOne of the best CTF mods around with support for every map avaliable except custom ones, off-hand grappling, skin sets for each team, radio messages (Gender Correct) and much more! I suggest everyone who loves CTF download this mod!...You will also need the v3.01 patch that you can get here(218kb)...Or for servers, the v3.18 version is out...here(181kb)
RIP-CTF?A new variant of Zoid's CTF, which adds features like an off-hand grappling hook, network-friendly hyperblaster, simple player ID, turning off BFG and invulnerability, remove switch weapons delay, server decides usable models, and telling who has Quad by having them glow
WAR MOD?A class CTF mod...with some neat items and such...
?A class CTF mod...with some neat items and such...
CTF v1.5
?A new "class" CTF mod which is like Battle of the Sexes or something, which adds a little more to CTF. You will need Zoid's CTF for this...If interested in running a server, get this.
Entropy3mbA cool CTF mod with a bunch of extra features...If you want to run a server, get this.(457kb)
Flag Wars v1.1?This is pretty cool, a CTF game with different classes, weapons, "runes", items, and powers. It has a ton of cool stuff, but it is necessary for you to have CTF2 to use it.
Viking CTF?VikingMod introduces Voiced users and Operators on a Quake2 dedicated server. The general principle is that Voiced users aren't able to use commands that directly affect other players (such as 'cmd kick' or 'cmd ban'). Furthermore, if a Voiced user wants to change gameplay in any way (using 'cmd nextmap' for instance), a vote system will assure that the majority of the Privileged users agree before the command is executed
Vanilla CTF
v.41 patch
Here's the download page which has the patch to fix the "the lasers marking the flag bases in v0.4" problem.
War of CTF
Here's the download page...I don't wuite understand it, but I guess you should just download everything for Windows and then put the files where they tell you to...UPDATED!!!

If you know of any CTF mods that I have not included on this page, please e-mail it to me if it is 100kb or less. If it is above 100kb, please tell me the location where I can get it. Please, in the e-mail, tell me the name of the file, the exact size, and any other information I should know about it.


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