Quake 2 File House

The place to look for Quake 2 files

Wednesday, April 15, 1998Submit news here

  Updating Done
After finally seeing that jaw was not updating the files' sections, I quickly asked him to do it, but RealLife(TM) has finally gotten to him as with many web maintainers. Luckily, I didn't have a problem finding a replacement. And after only an hour of work, I got the whole thing updated I think, but I am not sure. Also, I am getting my digital phone line tomorrow for my ISDN...yay!

Mr. Baldy

Monday, April 13, 1998Submit news here

  Quick Start v1.44 Beta
For the new version of this Eraser Bot Wizard, here's what has been changed:

You can find this release from here.


  Mana Quake 1
Version 1 of
ManaQuake was released today. It is a server side mod where you have to carry the mana from the start of the level to the end and try not to get killed in the mean time! GOOD LUCK :)


  SuperHeroes 2 Beta 9
Beta 9 of
SuperHeroes 2 fixes a few bugs and gets ready for the release of version 1 of this cool mod for Quake2. It is a server side relase only so if you already have the older client version don't bother getting this one.


  Eraser Bot 0.95
Beta 0.95 of the Eraser Bot was released today and can be downloaded from
here (the installer--203KB) and here (the zip--182KB). This beta fixes a couple bugs and trys to even out human to computer players when playing CTF.


If you have some maps, skins, mods, etc., please e-mail them to me if they are 100kb or less with their name, description, author, etc. If they are above 100kb, tell me the address they are located on and I will make a link to them at my page.

This page is best viewed in 1024x768, but is ok in any setting smaller, but no bigger. Also, I recommend at least a 17" monitor when viewing this page.

Quake, Quake 2 and the "Q" logo copyright 1996-98 Id Software, Inc. Quake is a registered trademark of Id Software, Inc. All rights reserved. All original content is copyright 1998 Mr. Baldy and may not be used in whole or part without express written consent. Also, all other content such as pictures are the property of their owners.